Make a donation.
The Lions Fourth District Student Speakers Foundation Inc., is a California non-profit corporation (# 95-6104287) governed by a board of directors and fifteen trustees. Its purpose is to provide the scholarships given to winners of the California Student Speakers Contest.
Donation today and create new opportunities through scholarships for the next generation of students.
Donations to the Foundation are deductible under both State and Federal taxing regulations and should be made payable to the “4th District Student Speakers Foundation, Inc.”
Please mail all donations to the Foundation’s Office Address.
Lions 4th District Student Speakers Foundation, Inc.
331 Spur Trail Ave
Walnut, CA 91789

The Foundation also has established four fellowships, named to honor distinguished Lions who have been instrumental in the formation and operation of the Foundation.
Fred W. Smith Fellow - will be conferred upon any District, Club or individual contributing $500.00 to the Foundation in a single donation.
Donald E. Snyder Fellow - will be conferred upon any District, Club or individual contributing $400.00 to the Foundation in a single donation.
Dwight E. Stanford Fellow - will be conferred upon any District, Club or individual contributing $300.00 to the Foundation in a single donation.
Harry J. Aslan Fellow - will be conferred upon any District, Club or individual contributing $200.00 to the Foundation in a single donation.
Pins & Awards
Al Ohrmund Supporter Award - The Al Ohrmund Supporter Award is available to a District, Club or Individual who contributes $250.00 to the Foundation.
Supporter Patch - A Supporter Patch or year Chevron is available to a District or Club or individual who contributes a minimum of $100.00 (in one increment) to the Foundation.
Supporter Pin - show your support of the foundation with a donation of $5.
To order a fellowship by mail, please download and complete the form and mail it with your check to:
Lions 4th District Student Speakers Foundation, Inc.
c/o Chris Ohrmund
331 Spur Trail Ave
Walnut, CA 91789
Donations to the Foundation are deductible under both State and Federal taxing regulations and should be made payable to the “Lions 4th District Student Speakers Foundation, Inc.”